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Dayon! Home Directory

The directory .dayon is created within the default home directory of the logged-in user or within the directory referenced by the JAVA property user.home and contains the saved user preferences and default log file(s).

CRC Checksum

On the assisted side, the screen is divided into different areas called tiles. Only tiles that have changed from the previous capture are sent over the network to the assistant side. To determine if a tile is different I'm currently computing a CRC code (i.e., a unique integer value representing the pixels of the tile) that is not perfect for the sake of speed. So it might happen that some changed tiles are not sent to the assistant.

Until now, I've detected that issue during strong testing for very few pixels. Visually, I've not noticed anything serious. But in case things are going mad you can then restart the assisted or before try the reset action (trash bin icon) that should clear every cached data and resend a full screen capture from scratch.

Certificate fingerprints

To prevent "men in the middle" attacks, the certificate fingerprints of the two connecting sides are displayed. The two fingerprints must match - if they don't, then something strange is going on. This additional security feature was introduced with version 13 of Dayon!.

Certificate Fingerprints

Caution: To ensure connectivity with older clients before version 13, the compatibility mode compatibility needs to be activated.
This is only an interim solution, please update your clients as soon as possible.

Connection establishment

Dayon! connection diagram

Change Wayland session to Xorg

Switch to Xorg